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Powervamp is uniquely placed amongst ground power unit suppliers to the aviation industry in that it supplies both 28V DC and 400Hz products. So no matter what aircraft, from a Cessna 152 through to an A380, Powervamp have a proven, quality solution.

The common denominator behind all Powervamp products, including aircraft static inverters, is that they are solid state, electrical solutions to providing ground power to aircraft, regardless of whether they require 28V DC or 400Hz.

“…Miami Airport reported that installing FEGP has saved an estimated 131,400 gallons of diesel per year…”

Whenever the operational requirements it makes both commercial and environmental sense to opt for a solid state solution. Comparing a diesel GPU, (ground power unit), with their solid state electrical counterparts is a complex issue, and one that can be debated on many different levels.

There have undoubtedly been improvements in diesel engine performance over recent years, but that said there have also been huge improvements in power station emissions as well, and so the argument and counter argument is still ongoing.

Powervamp A380

Powervamp 400Hz PV90-3 FEGP in daily use on stand 54, Birmingham Airport

For the aircraft, or airport operators, what is important when considering fixed electrical ground power, (FEGP), is the local environmental benefits which are undeniable.  FEGP will offer considerable benefits to local air quality when compared to a diesel GPU, even if it uses the latest Tier 4 engine.

When a diesel GPU is used on an apron, the ramp and ground handling crews can be exposed to CO², NOX, CO, SO² etc, whereas the use of FEGP instead of diesel powered GPU’s removes this problem.

“…our Greener Power programme is an initiative that sees us constantly monitor and evaluate our practices and products…”

Airlines have reported that the on-board auxiliary power unit, (APU),  of a Boeing 747 burns six times the amount of fuel as a diesel GPU. This figure is considerably increased when comparing with FEGP. In fact Miami Airport have reported that installing FEGP on concourse H alone saves an estimated 131,400 gallons of diesel per year.

Powervamp Coolspool410

The Coolspool 410 battery cart has been instrumental in the Air Tahiti environmental program

The benefits of not having to fill a GPU with gallons of fuel and oil are obvious and will have an immediate effect on operational costs. FEGP units also require significantly less maintenance than the diesel alternative.

A FEGP unit is by its nature much smaller than a diesel unit, and because they tend to be located and fixed in position the implications to ramp operations have health and safety benefits. Industry best practice recommends that FEGP is the primary choice for aircraft ground power requirements.

“…our products are a green alternative to diesel GPUs manufactured by many of our competitors…”

When people think of power, they tend to think negatively when it comes to the environment and balancing commercial interests. But in fact when it comes to power and energy, the less impact we can make on the environment in our use and production of GPU’s, the better.

Being environmentally conscious when you’re in the business of providing people with power is something we regard as an essential step forward.

Powervamp GPU

London City Airport required their FEGP units to be fitted to a bespoke mobile electric cart to create ‘MEGP’

That’s the reason behind Powervamp’s programme: Greener Power.

Our Greener Power programme is an initiative that sees us constantly monitor and evaluate our practices and products, ensuring we are providing the services we do in the most environmentally efficient and sustainable why that’s possible to us.

Powervamp products are actually a green alternative to the other diesel GPUs manufactured by many of our competitors within the aviation industry. Why? The batteries used within Powervamp’s pioneering DC carts and GPUs are made from 99% pure lead.

“…Powervamp’s solid state GPU technology makes a significant contribution to a greener airport environment…”

These pure lead-acid batteries are in fact the most highly recycled consumer product on the planet. More than 97 percent of all lead-acid batteries* are recycled, a percentage that far outweighs most other consumer products.

To put this into perspective, according to research by Battery Council International, 55 percent of aluminium cans are recycled, 45 percent of newspapers, 26 percent of glass bottles and 26 percent of tyres. Nearly 80% of a typical lead-acid battery is comprised of material that is recycled from older batteries.

Powervamp Greener Power

The 99.9% pure lead used in all Coolspool DC ramp carts ensures their batteries will always be recycled 

This means that instead of lead-acid batteries being disposed of in landfills, nearly all are sent to recycling centres, resulting in most lead-acid batteries on the market being comprised of recycled materials.

It’s not just about recycling – replacing diesel with electric units provides reduced carbon, nitrogen and particulate matter emissions, operating advantages such as reduced fuel and maintenance costs, quieter operational noise, and reduced clutter on the airfield.

As a result, Powervamp’s solid state GPU technology makes a significant contribution to a greener airport environment – a compelling reason to choose Greener Power from Powervamp.

For further information on our Greener Power programme, or our range of ground power units, please contact us HERE or call +44 (0) 1934 643000.

BSI Accreditation
ECS Accreditation
B2B Compliance
RoHS Compliant Accreditation
NBAA Accreditation
WEEE Recycling Accreditation